6 Benefits of Sleeping With a Night Guard

Those who wake up with jaw and tooth pain generally suffer from the condition known as bruxism, which, simply put, is the wearing down of teeth due to constant nighttime grinding or clenching. This condition is sometimes more serious than we think, as it affects how we chew, enjoy food, and more.

A Nightguard is a thin and transparent device that you wear over the biting surfaces of your teeth while sleeping. This way, the top and bottom rows of teeth are prevented from grinding against each other.

Nightguards have many benefits:

  1. Less tooth and jaw pain: The primary reason people use nightguards is to combat some of the symptoms related to bruxism, including tension and pain. A well-crafted nightguard molded to your exact set of teeth will help you stop damaging your teeth by grinding or clenching.
  2. Prevents Tooth Damage: When people unconsciously clench their teeth while sleeping, it can result in chipping or breaking of the teeth. It may also damage fillings and can make the teeth sensitive due to excessive enamel wear. However, wearing nightguards helps to prevent this type of damage. Nightguards also help protect against Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) TJ is a condition where the muscles used for chewing are tight and sore, and the joint connecting the jaw and the skull experiences some type of dysfunction. One cause of TMJ is bruxism because the pressure of teeth grinding negatively impacts the muscles, nerves, and ligaments around the jaw. Using a nightguard can ease muscle fatigue and relieve you from the pain of TMJ.
  3. Improved quality of sleep: The pain caused by bruxism and TMJ can often lead to discomfort during sleep. Ultimately, this affects your quality of sleep. A nightguard allows the muscles surrounding the jaw to relax, leading to an overall feeling of relief. It gives you the chance to enjoy a more peaceful and stress-free sleep.
  4. Fewer headaches: Tension headaches and even chronic headaches can be a result of bruxism. The constant grinding and clenching of the teeth cause tension not only in the jaws and ears but also in the head. It is one reason people wake up feeling surges of pain in their heads. With the use of a nightguard, these headaches and associated neck pain would be reduced, if not eliminated, as the pressure in the teeth and jaw is relieved.
  5. Decreased Snoring: Yes! It’s true. Nightguards create a narrow passage between your jaws, therefore increasing airflow and allowing you to breathe better, thereby virtually eliminating snoring in some individuals. Though this is probably not your biggest worry when it comes to your teeth grinding, it may benefit your sleeping partner significantly.
  6. Good for the long term: While a Nightguard is a financial investment, the amount you spend now is a comparatively small cost to the various dental treatments you will need down the road to help repair damage from grinding your teeth. If you are someone who grinds their teeth, please consult your trusted hygienist about whether a nightguard is a good idea for you.

Experts in Advanced Dental Care in Allen, Texas

If you are looking for a Nightguard, The Dentist of Allen is ready to help. Our highly qualified and compassionate staff can provide you with a tailor-fit nightguard for optimum comfort. Please feel free to call or text (972) 727-8249 to schedule a consultation or request your appointment now.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.